Green Thumbs Massage
Combining therapeutic bodywork with the healing plants

Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a subtle, sophisticated form of bodywork that helps the client release chronic tension caused by physical or emotional traumas. It can ease anxiety and help people relax more deeply.

Craniosacral work supports the healthy flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord. It can often alleviate certain chronic pain patterns, including whiplash, migraines, TMJ dysfunction and traumatic brain injuries.

This is light-touch work that is performed with the client resting face-up on the massage table, fully-clothed.

Craniosacral therapy was developed by the late Dr. John Upledger, an osteopath who was the first person to notice (quite accidentally, during a surgery) that the human body has a natural rhythmic pulsing in its movement of the cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid helps nourish the brain and clear away debris that can result from a lack of proper flow. Craniosacral techniques are currently being researched as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease, among other conditions.

The Upledger Institute trains health-care professionals throughout the world in these methods.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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